
Monday, October 17, 2016

Donald Trump visits Green Bay, WI at the KI Convention Center, Oct., 17, 2016

I attended both the rallies Trump had in Green Bay just to photograph them and to document what I thought was going to be an historical anomaly...sadly i was wrong and i'm still getting over the election results and the inevitable havoc he's going to bring to this country and who knows where else...

Sheriff of Milwaukee County, WI, David A. Clarke signing autographs after his speech. Clarke has called Black Lives Matter activists the "enemy."

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

"I am a sculpture," and "Untitled Mouse Piece," two performances years apart, digital image, 2016

Scoring in Tahrir, digital photograph and text, 2013/2016

It was January 2013 and I was visiting my wife in Heliopolis, Cairo while she was clearing up her parent’s estate after their recent deaths. Down the street was a group of anti-Morsi activists camped out across from the presidential palace demonstrating against the Islamist influenced constitution. 

But more importantly we were running out of hash. Arda called the dealer and he arranged to meet us at Tahrir Square. We met up and as we talked he unexpectedly grabbed both of our hands and made a wild dash, with us in tow, across the lanes of traffic to the other side. As we walked down the sidewalk he slipped the hash to Arda. I thought this was a totally crazy place to be buying drugs, as it had to be one of the most heavily monitored spots in the whole city. So, much to my relief, we were able to walk safely away with our little packet of slim slices of not particularly strong hash.

Leaf Piece, digital photograph and text, 2016

You lean down to tie a shoelace and you see this at your feet...

Friday, June 3, 2016

Israel and Palestine: Folio #2, May, 2016

Franciscan mother-of-pearl works, Jerusalem

Druse elders


Bethlehem, site of Jesus' birth.

Banksy, Bethlehem
Elad, our guide for the trip. He comes from a Morroccan Jewish background, served in Lebananon as a tank commander and now dedicated to bringing all sides together in dialogue.
Golan Heights with a priest from Sri Lanka
Church of the Nativity on the sea of Gallilee

The Port Inn, Haifa